Alliant is excited to announce a partnership with RTBiQ, the cross-device, cross-format ad platform.

With consumers continuing to shift towards mobile and connected devices, RTBiQ offers a unique analytic engine that delivers the optimal ad impressions based on a proprietary algorithm, predicting the likelihood that an ad impression will lead directly to a conversion.

Partnering with RTBiQ grants users access to 95 of Alliant’s transaction-driven audiences directly within the RTBiQ platform – including Automotive, Homeowner and Brand Propensity segments. Additionally, custom audiences can now be built for RTBiQ advertisers, utilizing Alliant’s database of 10 billion purchases and demographic, lifestyle, pre/new mover, social and automotive insights.

For a full list of our distribution partners, visit our Alliant Audiences Digital Partners page. If you have any questions on our new partners or how to access the data, contact