
Sports marketing audience monetization platform, FanAI, seeks to revolutionize the way brands and sports properties plan, buy and measure sponsorships. Their client, a marketing agency representing a major credit card brand, had numerous sports team sponsorship opportunities available. The goal was to assess spending, lifestyle and demographic attributes for fans of specified sports teams and identify opportunities that would maximize budget and exposure. The metro sport fan profiles would enable the sponsor to best align their budget with the right sports teams and their target audience.


FanAI focuses on delivering insights based on online and offline spending. They turned to Alliant as a qualified source of purchase, demo and lifestyle data. To start, TV viewership data was collected across 11 professional sports teams in a designated metro area, ensuring engagement, or “fandom”, through minimum requirements for number of games watched and time viewed. The viewership data was matched to Alliant’s DataHub through their integration with LiveRamp, enabling Alliant to append 25 data attributes in a privacy-conscious way. Attributes included age, income, estimated wealth, payment and lifestyle behaviors. The enriched data was uploaded to FanAI’s profiling UI for further analysis.


The 11 teams were ranked across these 25 data attributes. Reviewing the concentration of scores across categories, FanAI used these insights to make their final sponsorship recommendations to the credit card brand, selecting the teams that ranked highly across categories. Pleased with the results, FanAI plans to roll out the solution to assess other regional sports team sponsorship opportunities.


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appended data attributes in a privacy-conscious way

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